Chậu Rửa Mặt lavabo TOTO LT548#XW Âm Bàn
2.602.000 VND
Origin: Vietnam
Information about TOTO LT548 under-counter washbasin
- Product code: LT548#XW
- Includes TL516GV mounting kit
- Product name: Lavabo table sound TOTO
- CeFiONtect technology is super hydrophilic, minimizing stains and bacteria
- Size: 600x420 mm
- Color: White
- Product does not include faucet and drain
- See more suitable installation faucets here
- Origin: Vietnam
- Warranty: 2 years
- Old product code: LT548, LT548#W
Drawing of TOTO LT548#XW under-counter wash basin
LT548 product introduction video
Attachment Chậu Rửa Mặt lavabo TOTO LT548#XW Âm Bàn
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